313 N. Water St.
Kent, OH 44240
updated hours : as of April 2023
{cafe is open for full indoor service, outdoor patio seating, and curbside}
Monday- Friday 7am-7pm
Saturday- Sunday 8am-6pm
(330) 474-7255
We offer a full espresso bar in addition to roasting, brewing, and selling all of our coffee on-site. We also sell brewing equipment and other merchandise including shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and hats.
Single Origins
& Blends

Monday through Friday in the cafe, the roaster is cranking out pounds of fresh coffee beans and bagging them for you to grab off the shelf. Come enjoy the smell of coffee roasting while you sip on a fresh brew.
Our coffee offerings range from seasonal single origins to year round blends. Visit our shop online to browse the most current coffees.
Locally Baked

Stop in for Brimfield Bread Oven Turkish bagels and Taproot Catering pastries available daily.
Cream cheese, almond and peanut butter, nutella and Barton Farms and Gardens jams make for a well rounded bagel menu to complete your on the go breakfast or ideal afternoon snack. We now offer over-night oats and yogurt parfaits too!